Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Don'ts for Husbands and Don'ts for Wives

So today as I sit here at work, I have found a few websites for wedding planning. And it's been great! I love looking and getting ideas of what I want! But anywho. As I was looking through photos from weddings, there was a couple that was holding these books called, Don'ts for Husbands and Don'ts for Wives

Naturally, I had to google them to see what fantastic advice was in them. I just want to share a few of my favorites real quick..
From Don'ts for Wives

"Don't put on airs with your husband. If you can't be natural with him, you shouldn't have married him"
How true that is. I've never been more myself with Jer and it's the best thing ever.

"Do not worry about little faults in your husband which merely amused you in your lover. If they were not important then, they are not important now. Besides, what about yours?"
I think all too often it's easy to judge the flaws in those we love. But they accept us with all of our flaws. We should easily do the same.

"Don't try to model your husband after some other woman's husband. Let him be himself and make the best of him."

"Don't set your husband up on a pedestal and then cry when you find out that he is only a man, afterall."

From Don'ts for Husbands

"Don't sit down to breakfast in your shirt sleeves in hot weather on grounds that "only your wife is present." She is a woman like any other woman. The courtesies you give to woman kind are her due, and she will appreciate them."
I think to a certain extent this is true. Just because she is your wife doesn't mean you respect her any less. But you can also be comfortable and completely yourself around her.

"Don't omit to bring home an occasional bunch of flowers or a few chocolates. Your wife will value even a penny bunch of violets for your thought of her."
There's nothing quite like getting flowers for no reason!


  1. these are great. love the overall of theme of acceptance-- it sometimes is all there is.


    Following ya now from the Friday hop. It's so sweet to meet ya. I'd love for you to join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii . We're riding the wave of life one teensy adventure at a time, come join us and if you'd like join us for An Aloha Affair-- our sweet gathering and mingling and... growing together. You're welcome anytime.


  2. Ha, I love all of these. And I agree that unexpected flowers are the best. :)

